
What We Believe

We recognize that as a body of believers we all have different gifts and we are all called to serve our families and communities in different ways. We want to help you understand the gospel, know your gifts, and be equipped to obey Christ in your day to day life. We seek to equip believers through engaging in worship, encountering God, and personal discipleship.

Engaging In worship

Engaging in worship happens both as we gather with other believers (in the music we sing at our services) and as we glorify God at home or work by completing our to-do lists like we are doing it for Him. We want to help you enter into corporate worship through our song selections and environment in our Sunday services. We also want to help you engage in worship through your daily routines and the mundane moments of life.

Encountering God

Our hope and prayer is that every Sunday morning we would have an encounter with God. More than that we believe as Christians God is with us at all times and we can have these encounters every day. We want to help you see and meet God in every situation in your life from the kitchen sink to the meeting room, from your car to the Sunday morning service. When we encounter God in our life, we can help others encounter Him in their own lives.

Experiencing Discipleship

We believe that Jesus gave us an example to follow in discipleship. Through discipleship we lead people to Christ, teach the gospel, engage in worship, grow in our faith, and encounter God. We strive to build our programs, ministries, and outreach around discipleship. All of us, as disciples of Christ, are called to go and make more disciples. This is what Christ has called us to, not just creating converts, but walking alongside others discipling them as we ourselves are discipled.

Articles of Faith - Doctrine of the Church

We Believe

  1. in one loving God, Creator of heaven and earth, eternally existing in three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  2. in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ, His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, miraculous ministry, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, and glorious ascension; and in the personal necessity of the new birth by faith in Jesus Christ and His blood atonement for the forgiveness of sins and fellowship with God.
  3. in the Person, deity, and ongoing gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit (including the words of wisdom and knowledge, faith, gifts of healings, the working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, different kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues) and in the personal Baptism of the Holy Spirit for every believer, which enables the ministry of spiritual gifts and encourages the expression of love and spiritual maturity.
  4. the Bible is written by God, without error, and constitutes the standard for personal and corporate Christian faith and life.
  5. in the Church as the Body and Bride of Jesus Christ, essential to the growth of every believer and necessary to communicate God’s Kingdom and His love on earth.  The purpose of the Church is to live to the praise of God’s glory; the mission of the Church is to evangelize the unsaved and make disciples.
  6. in the sanctification of the believer to God through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit and in the  separation of the believer from all ungodliness.
  7. in the person and reality of the devil, and in the natural and total depravity of man.
  8. in the moral responsibility of the believer, who can willfully backslide, renounce the Christian faith, and be lost.
  9. in the personal, literal, bodily return of Jesus Christ to reign on earth with His saints, and in God’s Judgement for every person, with the everlasting and conscious existence of the soul, the saved to dwell in heaven and the unsaved in hell, and in the creation of the new heavens and new earth.
  10. in water baptism for believers as the normal visible expression of the believer’s identification with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  11. in celebration of the Lord’s Supper for all believers.
  12. in public worship empowered by the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God and the edification of believers.
  13. in tithing as God’s will for the individual believer and the corporate Church body of Christ.
  14. in the government of the Church, composed of Elders and Deacons; and the equality of all members, without respect to race or gender, to participate in the ministry and leadership of the Church.